Unfortunately, this trip took part on Saturday, not today. However, it was too good not to write about! Our capital -Vilnius - is one of, if not the most beautiful place in Lithuania. The city view is gorgeous, there are many good shops, cafés, malls and the vibe of this city is just amazing. My favourite place is the old town, which you can see in the photos. There are so many people there and they're all really chill, stylish and just nice to be around.
I didn't go alone, of course. We went on a trip with an exchange project that happened last week. There were fourty-four teenagers from Norway, Finland and Lithuania in the excursion. Those people are amazing, I am so happy that I could be a part of this programme. I met lots of new people that I can now call friends during the time and I am really thankful for the opportunity. The lot of us went to take a stroll around Vilnius, visited the cathedral and a couple of museums. Afterwards, it was time for shopping. My next post will be about the recent purchases I made so stay tuned! All credits for these photos go to my brilliant friend Dominyka!:)
romantiskai atrodot su dominyka paskutinej fotkej ;]]]]]